Nini Leaver Psychotherapy & Counselling in Central Canterbury

07818 061608

[email protected]

About Me

Professional Qualifications

I am a qualified Psychotherapist/Counsellor with a Postgraduate Diploma and Master's Degree (MSc with merit) in Therapeutic Counselling. I belong to a professional body called The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and appear on their Register which is accredited by the Department of Health. I was assessed by The BACP as having a sufficient level of skills and experience (over 4000 hours) to be awarded Accredited status as a Psychotherapist. As a member of the BACP who holds Accredited and Ragistered status, I am bound by the principles set out in their Ethical Framework - As well as regularly attending courses to further my knowledge of psychotherapy and psychology, I have undertaken specialised training to support patients with a life-limiting illness and work with issues around loss and grief. Through my work as an advocate, I also have specialist knowledge in mental health diagnoses and treatments, and I am accredited by the Law Society to represent clients at Mental Health Tribunals.


I have worked in different roles connected to mental health for over 30 years.

I also give lectures on the emotional and physical damage arising from social isolation and loneliness incorporating the latest research; have written expert witness reports and testified in Court cases offering a psychotherapeutic assessment of defendants; and have experience working with clients referred by charities supporting victims of serious crimes and their relatives.

Whilst pursuing a career in law, I trained and worked as a volunteer crisis counsellor for over ten years and used my experience to train new volunteers and co-ordinate shifts. I also trained and volunteered at Saneline, offering support and advice to those suffering from mental illness and their carers. Using my knowledge of mental health issues, I became a senior support worker in a mental health rehabilitation unit. I then trained as an advocate, representing patients at Tribunals who appealed whilst detained under the Mental Health Act. Since qualifying as a psychotherapist, I have treated a broad and diverse client base presenting with a wide range of issues in various settings including an NHS GP's Surgery and at a University Counselling Service. My specialist areas are loneliness, grief and loss and I was able to undertake extensive training whilst working in hospices with patients suffering from terminal illness and with grieving loved ones. In 2015 I was appointed an Associate Hospital Manager, sitting on a panel that considers appeals from clients detained in secure psychiatric units. I also give lectures on the emotional and physical damage arising from social isolation and loneliness incorporating the latest research; and have written expert witness reports for Court cases offering a psychotherapeutic assessment of defendants.

I now work in private practice whilst continuing to advocate for mental health patients, lecture and write professional reports.

BACP Registered